lens-artists photo challenge: focus on the subject

This week Patti invites us to explore the various composition elements that invite viewers to focus on the subject : leading lines, patterns, color, contrast, selective focus, freezing the action, doorways or arches, or human/animal eyes.

leading lines & patterns
color & fame within a frame
selective focus & color
freezing action

Be safe. Be well. Be sage.

23 thoughts on “lens-artists photo challenge: focus on the subject

  1. Terrific examples of the many ways to drive focus on your subjects Brenda. Especially loved your opener. Not only your use of aperture but also the tones you chose for the image.

    1. Thank you for your feedback. The opener is one of my favorites so your words are especially validating.

      Be safe. Be well. Be sage.

  2. My favourite is the ‘freezing action” photograph in the park. I am drawn to the contrast between the blue skies and yellow grass. Perhaps it’s because of the colds wind blowing outside my window today but I can almost feel the air in that image.

    1. Good day Khürt. The inspiration to photograph the blues and yellow grass came from the educational ebook, “A Journey in Composition,” by Christian Fletcher and Tony Hewitt. They created amazing images of the western part of the US…their photos of the Wyoming landscape are inspirational.

    1. Whoops! Thank you for the correct link…I think I need a “validator” that walks along side me like a shadow. Thank you for the positive feedback…my anxious soul needs nourishment.

      Be safe. Be well. Be sage.

  3. Excellent series, Brenda – love your examples and the favorite is…color and fame within a frame. And of course the dandelions!

  4. Love the one you included for selective focus — it’s a dreamy one that would look great printed. Thank you so much for all these excellent examples — you definitely have a flair for photography.

    1. Thank you Bert and Rusha for visiting and sharing your words that inspire me to continue this photo journey.
      Be safe. Be well. Be sage.

    1. Thank you…I enjoyed my short visit to your blog especially the celebration and validation your words expressed. Having spent a couple of years in the Sidney area I have a special place in my heart for Australia. What I found most validating in your blog is the joy you express celebrating the present moment despite the fires of last year and the virus this year. I can’t seem to find a “follow” link…

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